is the most important thing
we create.

As a leader in large-scale residential and commercial climate control systems, our focus goes beyond priority, and what we have built an industry-wide reputation on are the relationships we create with the people we work with.

Our commitment to service, and the long-term success of our clients and their projects is the foundation of what we do. By going beyond what is expected, by being a valued resource, and creating relationships that are built on trust is what we value the most.

“The way we work, and the relationships we build with our clients, each other, and with every one of our suppliers is based on a simple set of beliefs that we try to live by every day.”


Latest Projects

Latimer HeightsLocation: Langley, BCProject Type: Residential towersDeveloper: Vesta Properties
AzureLocation: Burnaby, BCProject Type: Residential towerDeveloper: Ledingham McAllister
Azure II (Ciello)Location: Burnaby, BCProject Type: Residential towerDeveloper: Ledingham McAllister
HighpointLocation: Burnaby, BCProject Type: Residential towerDeveloper: Ledingham McAllister

Who We've Worked with

“Climacool has been an excellent value-add supplier for us. They have been a key part of our team in developing comprehensive HVAC solutions for our projects and in many cases bringing design insights to the table that our engineering team has overlooked. We appreciate the collaborative approach they bring to the table, along with a high level of integrity and transparency that they consistently demonstrate in our work together.”

Nic Paolella  |  Vice President
Development: Marcon


“We are each driven by a common goal to provide a level of service and expertise that goes beyond what you would expect.”

Our technical expertise and experience is second to none in the industry. Our leadership team, however, has an additional quality that’s much harder to come by - the desire to take ownership of a project and personally care about its success.